WE PLAY — Training

WE PLAY contains multiple professional development activities.  You can access all of the WE PLAY materials below.

Please start with the online training.  

After you complete the online training, please review the game sheets and the game demonstrations in the video library.

You’ll need a password for the video library.
The password is provided in the training and can also be requested by emailing Jessica Hoffman.

We developed a teacher self-assessment and a supervisor/peer observation component to give you opportunities to practice and get feedback to help further develop your skills.  The resources we describe in the training to support and include children with autism in active play can be downloaded from here (below) as well.

Important Materials

Begin the Online Training

Video Library

Download the game sheet

Teacher self-assessment forms
Structured | Unstructured

Administrator observation/feedback forms
Structured | Unstructured

Tips for Success for Structured Active play

Facilitating Physically Active Play for Children with ASD: Strategies and Adaptations

Directions with Simple Language

Sample Visual Schedule

Sample Rules for Active Play

Social Story for Active Play

We Play Autism References