Lauren McCluski
HR Business Partner
We are dedicated to partnering with the Bouvé community to maximize the potential of our greatest asset — our employees. We embrace change and the opportunity it brings. We are focused on delivering quality customer service and are committed to recruiting, developing, rewarding, and retaining our global workforce.
Effective recruitment standards allow Bouvé an opportunity to demonstrate Northeastern University’s values of innovation, experiential learning and globalization. Upon hire, each person holding a position at Bouvé is encouraged to use their unique talents toward enhancing the shared goals of the institution.
Through the attraction, selection and ongoing employment practices, Bouvé College of the Health Sciences remains committed to a culture that embraces diversity and inclusion.
Northeastern Benefits
Bouvé Faculty and Staff Intranet
Faculty Council
Staff Council
Bouvé Human Resources
[email protected]
Our team work closely with Central HR to ensure that we facilitate the best hiring practices and support Bouvé College of Health Sciences in all its human resources needs.
HR Business Partner
Manager, HR Administration
HR Associate
HR Associate
HR Associate
We understand that hiring the right candidate is an investment in our future and are committed to preparing hiring managers for this vital endeavor. We do this by ensuring they have a full understanding of our philosophy and equipping them with the skills needed to conduct a productive interview that highlights the talents of the candidate and allows for in-depth discussion of the role and the department.
Everyone that participates in the hiring process will be provided a variety of training opportunities that will review:
Additionally, Bouvé HR meets with each unit/department to review this new guidance, as well as meeting with hiring managers at the start of each search to provide the necessary training and resources.
Bouvé HR is committed to providing onboarding resources and tools to ensure a smooth transition for employees as well as managers.
Onboarding employees can last 30, 60, 90 days, or even longer in some cases. Managers must be thoughtful in their approach when mapping out how they would like to onboard employees, to fit their individual needs and aid in their overall success.
Utilize all resources available to recruit top talent from LinkedIn University postings to University HR recruiters. Circulate staff postings through professional networks to cast a wide net and draw in applicants from all backgrounds. Think creatively on succession planning for the future.
Demonstrate diversity and inclusion in all hiring practices; from developing a job description that is inclusive to posting the job widely on job sites that target underrepresented minorities. Search committees (if used) or interview panels should be constructed with a diverse group of employees. Consistent interview practices should be conducted throughout the interview process. To further validate our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we ask that all staff positions posted after January 4, 2021 include a candidate document on diversity and inclusion.
Go beyond conventional interview questions, digging deeper by using behavioral based interview questions. This will aid in identifying candidates that obtain the attitude and aptitude to be successful in Bouvé.
Demonstrate ideal candidate care in all hiring practices, from reviewing resumes to making an official offer to a finalist. This is demonstrated through continuous and timely communication and organized well-constructed interview processes. All candidates should be given the “red carpet” treatment, although only one finalist will be chosen. The impression that they are given of the College, even if not selected, should be very positive. Bouvé College embraces a workplace culture that respects and values all employees which should be reflected during the interview process.
Finding the best candidates for positions in your organization is only part of building an effective team. The process of onboarding new employees can be one of the most critical factors in ensuring newly hired employees will be productive, contented workers.