The health, humanities, and society minor is designed for students who would like to learn how to think capaciously and creatively about health using the rigorous, precise, and flexible skills trained by the social sciences and the humanities.
The social sciences teach students to think about the social, economic, and political factors that structure health conditions and outcomes in particular societies.
The humanities train students to navigate the complexities of interpersonal interaction and their ethical implications, to relate the micro to the macro and texts to contexts, to historicize encounters, to communicate accurately and effectively across a variety of media, and to engage in creative analytical thinking about healthcare.
Curriculum subject to change.
A minimum of a 2.000 GPA is required to pass the minor.
Admission into the minor requires the approval of the student’s departmental/college advisor and the minor advisor in the Health Sciences department.
Complete the form below to declare the Minor.
Please log in with your Northeastern credentials.
Contact the Bouvé Office of Student Services for assistance with course registration or if you have questions about the minor.
[email protected]
AFRS 3424 Epidemiology of Pandemic Diseases and Health Disparities in the African Diaspora
AFRS 4939 Community Health, Culture, and Development in Kenya
ANTH 4580 Special Topics in Anthropology
ECON 1230 Healthcare and Medical Economics
HLTH 5280 The (in)Visibility of (dis)Ability in Society
PHTH/SOCL 112o Society and Health
PHTH 1270 Introduction to Global Health
Communication Skills:
PHTH 2300 Communication Skills for the Health Professions
PHTH 2301 Communication Skills for the Health Professions—Global
PHTH 4120 Global Perspectives on Discrimination and Health
PHTH 5202 Introduction to Epidemiology
PHTH 5234 Economic Perspectives on Health Policy
SOCL 1295 Drugs and Society
SOCL 2303 Gender and Reproductive Justice
SOCL 3441 Sociology of Health and Illness