The interdisciplinary concentration in early Intervention (EI) is designed for students who enjoy working with very young children and their families.
Through course work and practicum experiences, students are prepared to work with infants and toddlers with known disabilities, or those who are at risk for developmental delay, and their families.
Curriculum subject to change.
For most up-to-date information please refer to the university’s academic catalog.
The minor requires 6 prescribed courses:
CAEP 5150 Early Intervention: Family Systems
CAEP 5151 Early Intervention: Infant and Toddler Development, Risk, and Disability
SLPA 5152 Early Intervention: Planning and Evaluating Services
CAEP 5153 Early Intervention: Assessment and Intervention
SLPA 5154 Early Intervention Practicum 1
SLPA 515 Early Intervention Practicum 2
To be admitted to the Minor in Early Intervention, students must be in good academic standing (minimum 2.0 GPA overall).
To declare the minor, please complete the minor declaration form (below).
Please log in with your Northeastern credentials.
Please contact the Bouve Office of Student Services for assistance with course registration or if you have questions about the minor.