
Minor in Wellness Studies


Take an holistic approach to the study of the human wellness experience.

Offering interdisciplinary enrollment, this minor includes foundational Wellness courses as well as a range of interdisciplinary electives that embrace evidence-based science and education vis-a-vis selected domains of wellness. A cross-cultural, lifespan approach to individual and population wellness and well-being is offered as an experiential learning initiative.

This minor is open to all undergraduate students at Northeastern University.

The Minor in Wellness Studies was developed and is led by the School of Nursing at the Bouvé College of Health Sciences. Electives are offered through a range of Schools and Colleges across the University in collaboration with the School of Nursing.

This interdisciplinary approach to learning facilitates student choice and academic flexibility when tailoring this program of study to suit their personal and Tprofessional learning interests, styles and needs.

To apply, please log in with your Northeastern account and complete the minor declaration form.


Degree types:

Minimum 2.0 GPA

Banner code:

Study options:
– On ground
– Online
– Abroad


The Minor is satisfied by the completion of 4 (2 required and 2 elective) courses.

A final grade of C must be achieved in all courses.
Pass/ Fail elections are not allowed.
On ground, online, and abroad deliveries will be offered.

Sample Curriculum

Curriculum subject to change. For most up-to-date information please refer to the university’s academic catalog.

Required Courses

NRSG 1205 Wellness

NRSG 1206 Wellness Abroad

NRSG 5000 Advanced Perspectives in Wellness

Elective Courses

HSCI 1105 Human Nutrition


HSCI 1107 Nutrition Service Learning

HSCI 2350 Advanced Nutrition in Health and Disease

EXSC 1120 Intro to Exercise, Fitness, and Health

COMM 2135 Sex and Interpersonal Communication

COMM 3230 Games for Change

HLTH 2302 Alternative Medicine

HLTH 5002 Mindfulness: Theory and Practice


NRSG 2206 Global Perspectives in the Science and Practice of Mindfulness

SOCL 1246 Environment and Society

PSY 2306 Feeding Behavior and Eating Disorders

WMNS 2800 Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression

Got questions?

Kristen Mathieu Gonzalez, DNP, MSN/Ed, RN
Assistant Dean, Nursing Undergraduate Programs; Assistant Clinical Professor

Bouvé College of Health Sciences
Northeastern University
106 D Robinson Hall
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

[email protected]

Please contact the Bouve Office of Student Services for assistance with course registration or if you have questions about the minor.

[email protected]