Dr. Scott engages in research around therapeutic relationships and cultural humility. She has six years of experience as an educational speech-language pathologist, and her clinical interests include cultural responsiveness, cultural humility, counseling, and anti-oppressive supervision.
Research Interests
Therapeutic relationships, cultural humility, social justice, anti-racist pedagogy
Selected Publications
Scott, R. D. & Harsma, E.A. (2024). Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy & Cultural Humility: An Intersectional Faculty Development.
Feminist Pedagogy, 5 (1). https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/feministpedagogy/vol5/iss1/9
Scott, R. D. (2024). Introduction to the forum: With Liberty & Social Justice For All, Part 1. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (in-press).
Scott, R. D. & Mahowald, M. (2024). The Culture Flex: Advancing Social Justice In Educational Speech-Language Pathology. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (in progress)
Scott, R.D. (2024). Keepin It Real With Relationships: Cultural Humility and Therapeutic Relationships with Culturally/Linguistically Diverse Students. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (in press)
Scott, R. D., & Mupambo, T. (2024). I’m Staying and You’re Gonna Love Me’: Finding Authentic Freedom & Fostering Belonging as Black Female Early Faculty. The Journal of Advancing Education Practice, 4(3). https://openriver.winona.edu/jaep/vol4/iss3/1
Scott, R. D. (2022). Exploring How Speech-Language Pathologists Describe Therapeutic Relationships with Culturally/Linguistically Diverse Students: A Qualitative Descriptive Study (Order No. 29162053). Available from Publicly Available Content Database. (2656806977). https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/exploring-how-speech-language-pathologists/docview/2656806977/se-2
Selected Public Service
National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing, Board Member
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Committee of Ambassadors (CoA)
Courses Taught
SLPA6305 Articulation & Phonology
SLPA5107 Clinical Procedures
SLPA6211 Research & Evidence Based Practice
SLPA6420 Practical Statistics for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
SLPA 6329 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Speech-Language Pathology