Mary Walton, Northeastern University

Mary Walton


Director, Doctor of Medical Sciences Program; Assistant Clinical Professor  

Medical Sciences


Mary Walton is a physician assistant with over 20 years of experience in clinical and academic medicine specializing in addiction, where she integrated primary, psychiatric, and addiction care. She has worked in various directorship roles at the Yale School of Medicine and opioid treatment organizations, in clinical research, including randomized controlled trials, and teaching in doctorate programs. Mary has developed numerous care programs and doctoral curricula and wrote and secured multi-million-dollar grants.

Selected Publications

Walton MR, Kang AW, DelaCuesta C, Hoadley A, Martin R. Old tech but not low tech: telephone-based treatment provision for substance use. Front. Psychiatry. 2024;15:1351816.

Walton MR, Bruce RD. Clinical pearls for buprenorphine treatment. Prim Health Care. 2021;11(1):362.

Kang AW, Walton M, Hoadley A, DelaCuesta C, Hurley L, Martin R. Patient experiences with the transition to telephone counseling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare. 2021;9:663.

Walton MR, Altice FL. Directly Administered Antiretroviral Therapy (DAART) for Drug Users Implementation Guideline Packet featured in CDC Compendium of Evidence-Based HIV Behavioral Interventions website.

Morano JP, Walton MR, Zelenev A, Bruce RD, Altice FL. Latent tuberculosis infection: Screening and treatment in an urban setting. J Community Health. 2013 Oct;38(5):941-950.

Smith-Rohrberg Maru, D, Bruce RD, Walton MR, Springer S, Altice F. Persistence of virological benefits following directly administered antiretroviral therapy among drug users: Results from a randomized controlled trial. J AIDS. 2009;50(2):176-181.