Research Interests
My current research involves substance use and the emotional wellbeing of nurses, nursing students, and other vulnerable populations. I am especially interested in maladaptive coping mechanisms and the ways in which modern healthcare structures influence the help-seeking behaviors of nurses and other health professionals.
My unique contribution to the field involves arguing that harm reduction strategies for substance use, access to mental health resources, and a focus on resilience belong in the conversation about caring for nurses, nursing students, and other vulnerable populations. Traditionally, researchers, leaders, and the general public have focused on a model of risky substance use within nursing that denies the modern understanding of substance use as a continuum of behaviors that represent varying degrees of danger to the individual and, importantly, to society at large.
As a nurse leader, I am especially interested in the culture of healthcare that casually normalizes unhealthy patterns of substance use and coping while simultaneously vilifying nurses who succumb to addiction and mental health crises.
Refereed Journal Articles
Choflet, A., Rivero, C., Barnes, A., Waite-Labott, K., Lee, K., & Davidson, J. (2023). Accessibility and Financial Barriers in the Utilization of Alternative to Discipline Programs. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. [in press]
Foli, K., Choflet, A., Matthias-Anderson, D., Mercer, M., Thompson, R., & Squires, A. (2022). The Power of the Language We Use: Stigmatization of Individuals and Fellow Nurses with Substance Use Issues. Research in Nursing and Health.
Barnes, A., Ye, G.Y., Ayers, C., Choflet, A., Lee, K. C., Zisook, S., & Davidson, J. E. (2022). Entangled: A mixed method analysis of nurse with mental health problems who die by suicide. Nursing Inquiry, e12537.
Lee, K., Ye, G., Choflet, A., Barnes, A., Zisook, S., Ayers, C., & Davidson, J. (2022). Longitudinal Analysis of Suicides among Pharmacists during 2003-2018. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. doi:
Choflet, A., Barnes, A., Zisook, S., Lee, K.C., Ayers, C., Koivula, D., Ye, G., & Davidson, J. (2022). The nurse leader’s role in nurse substance use, mental health, and suicide in a peripandemic world. Nursing Administration Quarterly,46(1):19-28. doi: 10.1097/NAQ.0000000000000510. PMID: 34860798.
Choflet, A., Davidson, J., Lee, K., Ye., G., & Zisook, S. (2021). A comparative analysis of the substance use and mental health characteristics of nurses who complete suicide. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Davidson, J., Ye, G., Parra, M., Choflet, A., Lee, K., Barnes, A., & Zisook, S.(2021). Job-related problems prior to nurse suicide 2003-2017: A longitudinal mixed methods analysis. Journal of Nursing Regulation,12(1): 28-39.
Choflet, A., Packard, T., & Stashower, K. (2021). Rethinking organizational change in the Covid-19 era. Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy.
Choi Y, Smith KC, Shukla A, Blackford AL, Tran PT, Peairs KS, DeMarco TM, Choflet A, Farling K, Kelso M, Carducci MA, Mayonado N, Snyder CF. (2021). What are survivorship care plans failing to tell men after prostate cancer treatment? The Prostate.
Moskalenko M, Zaccone J, Fiscelli CA, Wieworka J, Anderson R, Choflet A, Martens S, Goodman KA, Golden DW, Nath SK. Assessment of Radiation Oncology Nurse Education in the United States. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Jul 1;110(3):667-671. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.01.031. Epub 2021 Jan 29. PMID: 33524544..
Davidson, J., Choflet, A., Earley, M., Clark, P., Dilks, S., Morrow, L., Tucker, S., & Mims, T. (2021). Nurse suicide prevention starts with crisis intervention: Make a plan to protect yourself and your colleagues. American Nurse Journal,16(2): 2-6.
Melnyk, B., Hsieh, MPH; A., Davidson, J., Carpenter, H., Choflet, A., Heath, J., Hess, M., Lee, P., Link, T., Marcus, J., Pabico, C., Poindexter, K., & Stand, L. (2020). Promoting nurse mental health: An urgent call to shift from crisis intervention to long-term prevention. American Nurse Journal,15(12): 2-5.
Choflet, A., Hoofring, L., Cheng, Z., Katulis, L., Narang, A., & Appling, S. (2020). Substance Use Screening Protocol: Implementation of a System for Patients With Cancer. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing,24(5): 554-560.
Rhieu, B., Terezakis, S., Greco, S., Deville, C., Souranis, A., Choflet, A., DeWeese, T., Viswanathan, A., Laub, W., McNutt, T., & Wright, J. (2019). Patterns of incident reporting across clinical sites in a regionally expanding academic radiation oncology department. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 16(7): 915-921.
Nakatsugawa, M., Cheng, Z., Kiess, A., Choflet, A., Bowers, M., Utsunomiya, K., Sugiyama, S., Wong, J., Quon, H., & McNutt, T. (2019). The needs and benefits of continuous model updates on the accuracy of RT-induced toxicity prediction models within a learning health system. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 103(2): 460-467.
Wright, J., Parekh, A., Rhieu, B., Miller, D., Opris, V., Souranis, A., Choflet, A., Viswanathan, A., DeWeese, T., McNutt, T., & Terezakis, S. (2019). Adoption of an incident learning system in a regionally expanding academic radiation oncology department. Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy, 24(4): 338-343.
Broom Research Fund (2/12/2021)(PI): “Establishing a Structured Peer Support Program to Provide Emotional First Aid in the SDSU School of Nursing” ($10,000)
San Diego State University (2019-2020): Grants and Research Enterprise Writing (GREW) Program ($3,000)
Academic Partners to Improve Health: AACN/CDC DNP Evidence-Based Project Grant (PI) (2015-2016) “An Evidence-Based Strategy for Identification and Management of Substance Use in Cancer Patients” ($10,000)