John Lowrey


Assistant Professor

Public Health and Health Sciences

Research Interests

Healthcare Operations Management, Not-for-Profit Operations, Partnership Models of Care


John Lowrey is an assistant professor of Supply Chain & Information Management at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business with a joint-appointment at the Bouvé College of Health Sciences. His research explores how social determinates of health such as food insecurity impact health outcomes for those with diet-based, chronic diseases like obesity. More specifically, John works with protected health information to perform causal inference and empirically estimate the quality and cost performance of preventative health interventions. He has collaborated with several industry partners, including a UK-based food waste vendor, six Feeding America member Food Banks and a world-class pediatric children’s hospital.

Many organizations are now investing in the community cure to healthcare and seeking partnership-based models of care delivery. “One example is the Produce Prescription program, whereby a clinic partners with a food pantry to identify and address food insecurity,” Lowrey explains. “It’s thought that only 20% of a patient’s health outcome is related to access of clinical care. The remaining 80% is determined by non-clinical factors such as behavior and lifestyle choices.” The goal of his research is to demonstrate the importance of nutrition in healthcare and, in turn, generate policy recommendations for food as a reimbursable medical expense.

Prior to pursing his Ph.D. at The Ohio State University, Lowrey worked at Abbott Nutrition where he developed nutrition education campaigns for cancer survivorship care plans. In his spare time, Lowrey is a competitive road cyclist. He has cycled several of America’s highest roads, including Mt Evans and Pikes Peak in Colorado and Mauna Kea in Hawaii.


SCHM 2301 Supply Chain and Operations Management
HSCI 2500 Public Health Nutrition in the Community

Working Papers

Lowrey, J., Chandrasekaran, A., Headings, A., Hyder, A. The impact of coupling clinical and non-clinical services in partnership models of care on quality-cost outcomes: Insights from a field experiment. Under review at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

Lowrey, J., Richards, T. and Hamilton, S. Food bank donations and retail pricing.