Entrance to building with a bicycle and blooming tulips

Janet A. Dewan


Assistant Program Administrator, DNP Nurse Anesthesia Program; Assistant Clinical Professor



While working as a nurse in Niger, West Africa, Dr Dewan recognized the dire need for skilled anesthesia personnel in developing health systems and enrolled to earn her certificate in Nurse Anesthesia at Tufts New England Medical Center upon her return. She assumed the role of program director after graduation. She has served as faculty/administrator for the program for over 40 years as it transitioned to MS and now DNP levels at NU. She presents her work locally, nationally, and internationally in both anesthesia focused and interprofessional global health conferences. She has been honored as a humanitarian, scholar, and educator.

Janet has been involved with global health projects throughout her career. Her current focus is on nurse anesthesia education in Africa emphasizing both improving the quality and quantity of nurse anesthetists and mentoring African faculty. She organizes low resource immersion experiences for her US based students, and formal education exchange for African faculty and is a founding member of the Boston-Africa Anesthesia Collaborative (BAAC). Janet is committed to using evidence to sustainably improve health and the training of health professionals. She views education as central to ensuring that everyone will have access to the healthcare they need when they need it.

Janet is also a classical pianist.

Selected Publications

Dewan, JA. Sonah, A. Universal Health Coverage and the Nurse Anesthetist. In Thomas, S. and Rowles, J. eds. Nurse Practitioners Nurse Anesthetists the Evolution of Global Roles; Springer. Nature. 2023. ISBN 978-3-031-20761-7

Dewan, J. Clementine’s three patients. Stylus: A medicine and humanities journal. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Spring 2016 issue. Vol. 5; 2015 to 2016.

Dewan, J.  Ventriculo-peritoneal Shunt and Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Revision  in Vargo, Matt Vargo Pedi Anesthesia,  Computer Software APP.

Dewan, J., The WHO Global Code of Practice on the International recruitment of health Personnel; Analysis with Nurses’ Perspectives.  Dissertation. PhD defended April 2014. Proquest LLC. UMI 3617926.

Translation from French
Chaibou, M.S., Samuila, S. Sani, R. et. Al. Management of post operative pain: experience at the Niamey National Hospital, Niger; Journal of Pain Research; 2012:5, 591-595 Janet Dewan Trans. http://www.dovepress.com/management-of-postoperative-pain-experience-of-the-niamey-national-hos-peer-reviewed-article-JPR.

Honors and Awards

Living Legend in Nursing; American Nurses Association MA, 2023

Northeastern University School of Nursing ; Year of the Nurse Award, 2021

AANA Foundation Janice Drake Humanitarian of the Year 2018

Global Humanitarian Hero Citation Lifebox Corp/WHO Leadership International, August 19, 2015

American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Didactic Instructor of the Year, 2007

Selected Public Service

Boston-Africa Anesthesia Collaborative; Founding Member

Our Hearts Your Hands (OHYH) anesthesia education NGO; Board of Directors

Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) Anesthesia Advisory Board and project consultant

International Organization for Women and Development; Medical Advisory Board and clinical volunteer.

Metro-East Massachusetts Reserve Corps; Volunteer vaccinator

Global Health Activities

Consultant, International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists Accreditation report and on-site visit.

Phebe School of Nurse Anesthesia, Bong County, Liberia

Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) Anesthesia Programs Steering Committee

Consortium for Universities for Global Health (GUGH)

Scientific Program Advisory Committee (SPAC)

Seed Global Health Partnerships, Consultant, Nurse Anesthesia Program, Bong County, Liberia

Health Volunteers Overeas (HVO) Anesthesia Programs Steering Committee

Medical Board International Organization For Women and Development (IOWD)

Teaching and clinical volunteerism in Rwanda and Niger.