Research interests
Health services research, analytic methods
Dr. Flaherty received his PhD in Population Health from Northeastern University. His dissertation focused on the scope of inappropriate medical imaging in Massachusetts for a commercially insured population. He received an MBA from the University of Redlands (CA) and completed his Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering, with honors, at the University of Colorado-Denver.
He has extensive experience in healthcare, with over 20 years in medical imaging in a variety of roles and settings. He has held management and clinical positions at leading institutions such as Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and also managed the Brain Imaging Center at the California Institute of Technology. Most recently, he was an Assistant Professor in the Healthcare Administration Department at Stonehill College and he continues work as a health outcomes researcher and data scientist at the health insurer Point32Health, evaluating population health and clinical interventions.
His research interests include healthcare utilization, cost trends, observational data analytics, propensity score matching and predictive modeling. He is proficient in SAS, SQL and has experience with R and Python.
Selected Publications
Young, G. J., Zepeda, D., Flaherty, S., & Thai, N. (2021). Local Physician Practice Migration and Changes in Practice Style. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 12421). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Young, G. J., Zepeda, E. D., Flaherty, S., & Thai, N. (2021). Hospital Employment Of Physicians In Massachusetts Is Associated With Inappropriate Diagnostic Imaging: Study examines association between hospital employment of physicians and diagnostic imaging. Health Affairs, 40(5), 710-718.
Young, G. J., Flaherty, S., Zepeda, E. D., Singh, S., & Rosenbaum, S. (2019). Impact of ACA Medicaid Expansion on Hospitals’ Financial Status. Journal of Healthcare Management, 64(2), 91-102. * Winner of Edgar C Hayhow award for best article in JHM 2019
Flaherty, S., Zepeda, E. D., Mortele, K., & Young, G. J. (2019). Magnitude and financial implications of inappropriate diagnostic imaging for three common clinical conditions. International Journal for Quality in Health Care.
Flaherty, S. (2018). Patterns and Determinants of Inappropriate Diagnostic Imaging: An Investigation Using the Massachusetts All Payer Claims Database (Doctoral dissertation, Northeastern University).
US Health Care
Selected Public Service
Learning Management System Upgrade Technical Committee, Stonehill College 2021-2022
Faculty Search Committee, Healthcare Administration Department, Stonehill College 2021-2022
Strategic Planning Technology Workgroup, Stonehill College 2021-2022
Center for Teaching and Learning, Provost’s Advisory Committee, Stonehill College 2021-2022