Rachel Rodgers, Northeastern University

Rachel Rodgers


Associate Professor

Applied Psychology

Research Interests

Dr. Rodgers’ interests are in the area of body image, disordered eating and adolescent/young adult psychopathology, in particular focusing on socio-cultural influences on body image and eating concerns. Her research aims both to examine socio-cultural determinants of health-related behaviors but also to generate research which may inform public policy. She is the author of over 50 journal articles and book chapters.


Rodgers, R. F., Damiano, S. R., Wertheim, E. H., & Paxton, S. J. Media exposure in very young girls: prospective and cross-sectional relationships with bmiz, self-esteem and body size stereotypes. Developmental Psychology, in press.

Rodgers, R. F., Franko, D. L., Lovering, M. E., Luk, ., Pernal, W., & and Matsumoto, A. Development and validation of the Female Muscularity Scale. Sex Roles, in press.

Rodgers, R. F., Peterson, K. E., Hunt A. T., Spadano-Gasbarro, J. L., Richmond, T. K., Greaney, M. L., Austin, S. B. Racial/ethnic and weight status disparities in dieting and disordered weight control behaviors among early adolescents, Eating Behaviors, In Press. Accepted 12.13.17

Rodgers, R. F., Ziff, S., Lowy, A., Yu, K., & S. B. Austin. Results of a strategic science study to inform policies targeting extreme thinness standards in the fashion industry. International Journal of Eating Disorders, in press.

Bergmeier, H.J., Skouteris, H., Hetherington, M.M, Rodgers, R.F., Campbell, K.J, Cox, R. (in press) Do maternal perceptions of child eating and feeding help to explain the disconnect between reported and observed feeding practices?: A follow up study. Maternal & Child Nutrition.

Rodgers, R. F., Watts, A. W. Austin, S. B., Haines, J., Neumark-Sztainer, D.  Disordered eating in ethnic/racial minority adolescents with overweight. International Journal of Eating Disorders, in press.

Convertino, A.*, Rodgers, R.F., Franko, D. L., & Jodoin, A.* (in press). An evaluation of the Aerie Real campaign: Potential for promoting positive body image? Journal of Health Psychology.

Donovan, E., Rodgers, R. F., Cousineau, T., McGowan, K. M., Luk, S.*, Yates, K.* & Franko, D. (in press). Feasibility of a mindfulness and self-compassion based mobile intervention for adolescents. Journal of Adolescence.

Melioli, T., Rispal, M., Hart, L., Chabrol, H., & Rodgers, R. F. (in press). French mental health first aid guidelines for eating disorders: An exploration of user characteristics and usefulness among college students. Early Intervention in Psychiatry.

Tang, J. T.*, Li, C., Rodgers, R. F., & Ballou, M. (2016). Ethnic differences in the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy combined with medication: Comparing Asian American and white psychiatric patients. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 24, 46-50.

Rodgers, R. F. (2016). The role of the “Healthy Weight” discourse in body image and eating concerns: An extension of sociocultural theory, Eating Behaviors, 22, 194–198.

Rodgers, R. F., & Dubois, R.* (2016). Cognitive biases to appearance-related stimuli in body dissatisfaction: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 46, 1-11.

Rodgers, R. F., Schaefer, L., Thompson, J. K., Girard, M., Bertrand, M., &  Chabrol, H. (2016) Psychometric properties of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-4 (SATAQ-4) in French women and men. Body Image, 17, 143–151.

Rodgers, R. F., & Melioli, T*. (2016). The relationship between body image concerns, eating disorders and Internet use, part I: a review of empirical support. Adolescent Research Review, 1, 95–119.

Rodgers, R. F. (2016). The relationship between body image concerns, eating disorders and Internet use, part II: an integrated theoretical model. Adolescent Research Review, 1, 121–137.

Rodgers, R. F., Paxton, S. J., McLean, S. A., & Damiano, S. (2016). “Does the voice in your head get kinder as you get older?” Women’s perceptions of body image in midlife. Journal of Women and Aging, 28, 395-402.

Kling, J., Rodgers, R. F., & Frisén, A. (2016). Young men’s endorsement and pursuit of appearance ideals: the prospective role of appearance investment. Body Image, 16, 10-16.

Laconi, S.*, Andreoletti, A., Chauchard, E., Rodgers, R. F., & Chabrol, H. (2016). Utilisation problématique d’Internet, temps passé en ligne et traits de personnalité. [Problematic Internet use, time online, and personality traits]. Encephale, 42, 214-218.

Melioli, T*, Bauer, S., Franko, D. L., Moessner, M., Ozer, F., Chabrol, H., & Rodgers, R. F. (2016). Reducing eating disorder symptoms and risk factors using the internet: a meta-analytic review. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 1, 19-31.

Rodgers, R. F., Shiyko, M., Intille, S., Wilson, K., O’Carroll, D., Lovering, M.*, Matsumoto, A.*, Iannuccilli, A.*, Luk, S.*, & Shoemaker, H*., & Franko, D. L. (2016) Exploring healthy eating among ethnic minority students using mobile technology: Feasibility and adherence. Journal of Health Informatics, 22.

Rodgers, R. F., Wilking, C., Gottlieb, M., Daynard, R., Lovering, M.*, Matsumoto, A.*, Luk, S.*, Naab, P.*, Iannuccilli, A.*, Shoemaker, H.*, Convertino, A.*, & Franko, D. L. (2016).  Qualitative study of the decision to engage in tanning behaviors among female college students. European Review of Applied Psychology, 66, 1-8.

Rodgers, R.F., McLean, S.A., Marques, M., Dunstan, C., & Paxton, S. (2016). Trajectories of body dissatisfaction and dietary restriction in early adolescent girls: a latent class growth analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 1664–1677.

Rodgers, R.F., Pernal, W*., Atsushi, M*., Shiyko, M., Intille, S., & Franko, D. L. (2016).  Capitalizing on mobile technology to support healthy eating in ethnic minority college students. Journal of American College Health, 64, 125-132.

Rodgers, R.F., Lowy, A.S.*, Halperin, D.M. * & Franko, D.L. (2016). A systematic review and meta-analysis examining the influence of pro-eating disorder websites on body image and eating pathology. European Eating Disorders Review, 24, 3-8.

Saul, J., & Rodgers, R. F. (2016) Wellness, not weight: Changing the focus in children and adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55, 7-9.

Spiel, E., Rodgers, R. F., Paxton, S. J., Wertheim, E. H., Damiano, S. R., Gregg, K. J., & McLean, S. A. (2016).”He’s got his father’s bias”: Parental influence on weight bias in young children.” British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 34, 198-211.


APPEAR — Applied Psychology Program for Eating and Appearance Research