Michael Gonyeau


Clinical Professor

Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences


Michael Gonyeau received his B.S. and Pharm.D. degrees from Albany College of Pharmacy and completed a PGY-1 residency at Boston Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. He joined the faculty at Northeastern University in 2000, initiated a co-funded PGY1 residency, serving as faculty director until 2008 and has won numerous excellence in teaching awards.

He is currently Clinical Professor and serves as the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and Assessment in the Bouvé College of Health Sciences School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. He focuses on curriculum and co-curriculum development and delivery, developing/implementing new instructional and assessment strategies, methods & technologies, while collaborating with colleagues in a general medicine practice at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Dr. Gonyeau has experience as an engaged instructor and active scholar and clinician. He has received numerous teaching awards and continues to revel in the student-educator dynamic in the didactic and experiential settings. His published/presented works focus on curriculum and course design/innovation and the scholarship of application.

He is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist, a fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and the National Academies of Practice and has completed the AACP leadership fellows’ program. 

Selected Publications

Gonyeau, M. J. (2005). Statins and osteoporosis: a clinical review. Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy25(2), 228-243. 
Gonyeau, M. J., DiVall, M., Conley, M. P., & Lancaster, J. (2018). Integration of the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP) into a comprehensive disease management course Series. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education82(6). 
Chen, A. M., DiVall, M., Kiersma, M. E., Gonyeau, M. J., & Conway, J. M. (2021). Moving out of disciplinary silos-Integration of the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning13(6), 585-587.  
Boyle, C. J., Gonyeau, M., Flowers, S. K., Hritcko, P., Taheri, R., & Prabhu, S. (2018). Adapting leadership styles to reflect generational differences in the academy. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education82(6). 
Trujillo, J. M., DiVall, M. V., Barr, J., Gonyeau, M., Van Amburgh, J. A., Matthews, S. J., & Qualters, D. (2008). Development of a peer teaching-assessment program and a peer observation and evaluation tool. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education72(6). 

Selected Honors and Awards

Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist Fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Fellow of the National Academies of Practice  
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Leadership Fellow Teaching Excellence Teaching Awards: Bouvé College of Health Sciences (1) and School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (6) 
Mentoring Awards: Bouvé College of Health Sciences

Courses Taught

Comprehensive Disease Management (CDM) and Seminar  
Exploring Academic Careers  
From Head to Toe: Health and Self Care Strategies  
Leadership and Advocacy in Health Professions  
Principles in General Medicine