Maria van Pelt Northeastern University

Maria van Pelt


Clinical Professor



Refereed Articles:  

Amici, L., van Pelt, M., Mylott, L., Nanji, K.C. Clinical Decision Support as a Prevention Tool for Medication Errors in the Operating Room: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study. Under review.   

Griffis, C., van Pelt, M., Bamgbose, E., DeVon, H., Choi, K., Wilhalme, H. Preliminary Investigation: Pilot Study of Program Directors’ Perceptions of Wellness and Suicide Prevention for Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists. In Press. American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology Journal.  

Griffis, C., van Pelt, M., Bamgbose, E., DeVon, H., Choi, K., Wilhalme, H. Preliminary Investigation: Pilot Study of Perceptions of Wellness and Suicide Prevention for Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists. In Press. American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology Journal.  

Neft, M., Sekula, K., Zoucha, R., van Pelt, M., Glasgow, MThe Lived Experience of Second Victim CRNAs. In Press. American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology Journal. 

Neft, M., Sekula, K., Zoucha, R., van Pelt, M., Glasgow, M. Support Methods for Healthcare Professionals who are Second Victim: An Integrated Review. American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology Journal. June (2022);90(3):189-196.

Maher SS, Franco-Garcia E, Zhou C, Heng M, van Pelt M, Akeju O, Quraishi SA. Association of Nutritional Status with New-Onset Delirium in Elderly, Acute Care, Orthopaedic Trauma Patients: A Single-Center Observational Study. J Orthop Trauma. Feb 01 (2022); 36(2):67-72.  

Maher, S., Franco, G.E., Zhou, Z., Ye, L., Heng, M., van Pelt, M., Akeju, P., Quraishi, S.  The association of pre-hospital sleep disturbance with post-operative delirium in older, acute care, orthopedic trauma patients. Journal of Aging and Health.  

Gormley, J.M., Poirier, V.M., Hassey, K., van Pelt, M., & Ye, L. November (2021). School Nurses’ Reports on Reopening Roles, Practices, and Concerns during the COVID-19 Pandemic at the Start of the 2020-2021 School Year.” Journal of School Nursing. 

Wood, LJ., Gaden, NW., Gennaro, S., Gross, A., Hudson-Jinks, TM., Loescher, CW., Mittelman, M., Pearson, MM., Sharp, L., Thompson, LS., van Pelt, M. July/September (2021).The dual epidemics of 2020: Nursing leaders’ reflections in the context of whole person/whole systems. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 9(3),243-252. 

Maher, S., Garcia, E.F., Zhou, C., Ye, L., Heng, M., van Pelt, M., Johnson-Akeju, S., Quraishi, S. June (2021). The association of nutritional status with new-onset delirium in elderly, acute care, orthopedic trauma patients: A single-observational study. The Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 

van Pelt, M., Morris, T., Lily, A.C., Pian-Smith, May CM., Karasik, L., van Pelt, F. February (2021). COVID-19: Transforming Compassionate Care from a way of doing to being. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal.  

van Pelt, M., Smeltzer, S., van Pelt, F., Gazoni, F., Durieux, M., Polomano, R. December (2019). Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of the Nurse Anesthesia and the Aftermath of  Perioperative Catastrophes Survey and Ways of Coping Questionnaire. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal.  

van Pelt, M., Meyer, T., Garcia, R., Thomas, B., Litman, R., February (2019). Drug Diversion in the Anesthesia Profession: How Can APSF Help Everyone Be Safe? Report of a Meeting Sponsored by the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal

van Pelt, M., Meyer, T., Garcia, R., Thomas, B., Litman, R., October (2018). Drug Diversion in the Anesthesia Profession: How Can APSF Help Everyone Be Safe? Report of a Meeting  Sponsored by the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. Anesthesia and Analgesia, DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000003878. Volume Published Ahead of Print. 

van Pelt, M., Weinger M., July (2017). Distractions in the Anesthesia Work Environment: Impact on Patient Safety? Report of a Meeting Sponsored by the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 125(1),347-50. 

van Pelt, M., Weinger, M., July (2017).Distractions in the Anesthesia Work Environment: Impact on Patient Safety? Report of a Meeting Sponsored by the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal.  

Prielipp, R., Magro, M., Morell, R. Brull, S., August (2010). Normalization of Deviance. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal, 78(4), 284-7. 

Prielipp, R., Magro, M., Morell, R. Brull, S., May (2010). Normalization of Deviance. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 110(5), 499-502. 

Non-Refereed Articles:

van Pelt, M., Meyer, T., Garcia, R., Thomas, B., Litman, R., February (2019). Drug Diversion in the Anesthesia Profession: How Can APSF Help Everyone Be Safe? Report of a Meeting Sponsored by the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter, 33(3), 92-94.  

van Pelt, M. Cammarata, B., February (2019). APSF Sponsors the Trainee Quality Improvement Program for Fourth Straight Year. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter. 33(3), 75.  

van Pelt, M., The Aftermath of Perioperative Catastrophes: A National Study of Nurse Anesthetists. March (2018). American Association of Nurse Anesthetists News Bulletin.72(2). 

van Pelt, M., Weinger, M., February (2017). Distractions in the Work Environment: Impact on Patient Safety. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter. 31(3), 59. 

van Pelt, M., Weinger M., October (2017). Distractions in the Anesthesia Work Environment: Impact on Patient Safety? Report of a Meeting Sponsored by the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter, 32(2), 40-43.  

Cowles, C., van Pelt, M., Brull, S., Eicorn, J., June (2016). Developing Patient Safety Leaders; Leadership Fellows Share Insights. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter, 31(1), 20-22.  

van Pelt, M., Chitilian, H., Eikerman, M., February (2015). The Unrecognized Patient Safety Consequences of Residual Neuromuscular Blockade and Patient Safety Consequences. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter, 30(3), 51-52.  

Morrell, B., Lee, L., Magro, M., Winter (2011). Board of Directors Workshop Report: 360 Degree Assessment of APSF. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Newsletter, 25(3), 47-49.  

Lord, M., Magro, M., Zwerling, A., November (2010). Substance Abuse and Anesthesia: Why Is It Your Problem and What Student Nurse Anesthetists Are Doing About It. American Association of  Nurse Anesthetists News Bulletin, 304(2), 187-93. 

Book Chapters:

van Pelt, M. Blackney, K., Morris, T., Peterfreund, R. (2017). Second Victim in Anesthesiologists, In: Occupation Well-being in Anesthesiologists. World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists. Pages 288-309. Pitman Publishing, London, UK.  


Principal Investigator, HRSA Nurse Anesthetist TGraineeship Grant, Award #: 2 A22HP30963-03-00. 2019 to 2020.

Principal Investigator, Art Zwerling Grant American Associatin of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation/American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. 2019 to 2020.

Principal Investigator. HRSA Nurse Anesthetists Traineeships. Award #: 2 A22HP309630200. 2018 to 2019.

Principal Investigator. HRSA Nurse Anesthetists Traineeships. Award #: A22HP29941-01-01. 2017 to 2018.

Project Director. US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. 2017 to 2018.

Project Director.  US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. 2016 to 2017.

Principal Investigator. The Aftermath of Perioerative Catastrophes.  AANA Foundation Doctoral Fellowship & Kay Wagner Doctoral Fellowship. 2012.

Principal Investigator. The Psychometric Evaluation of the Aftermath of Perioperative Catastrophes Survey.  AANA Wellness Grant. 2010.

Principal Investigator. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing – The Role of  the Educator. University of Pennsylvania Educational Grant. 2007.

Professional and Community Service

Member, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal Editorial Committee, 2018-Present

Member, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal Editorial Board, 2018-Present

Member, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Practice Committee, 2018-Present

Member, One Faculty Task Force, Northeastern University, Bouve College of Health Sciences, 2018-Present

Member, Workload Policy Task Force, Northeastern University School of Nursing, 2018-Present

Member, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Task Force, Northeastern University School of Nursing, 2017-Present

Chair, Substance Misuse Policy Task Force, Northeastern University School of Nursing, 2017-2018

Member, Appointment, Promotion, Tenure Committee, Northeastern University, 2017-Present

Co-Chair, Medically Induced Trauma Support Services (MITTS), Leadership Committee, 2017-Present

Member, Medically Induced Trauma Support Services (MITTS), Board of Directors, 2016-Present

Chair, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, Committee for Education and Training, 2016-Present

Member, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Practice Committee, 2016-Present

Peer Advisor, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists State (MA), 2014-Present

Advocate, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Foundation State (MA), 2013-Present

CRNA Member,Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, Executive Committee,  2011-Present

Member, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, Board of Directors, 2010-Present

Editorial Board and Section Editor (Pharmacology), International Student Journal of Nurse Anesthesia, 2008-Present

Membership in Professional Societies

Massachusetts Association of Nurse Anesthetists (MANA),  2012-Present

American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) – 1998-Present

Sigma Theta Tau- International Honor Society of Nursing, 1992-Present

Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Anesthetists (PANA), 1998-2012