Research Keywords
Sleep deficiencies, obstructive sleep apnea, treatment adherence, sleep promotion, mobile health
Dr. Ye’s research focuses on promoting health through better sleep and better management of sleep disorders. Her research has contributed significantly in the following areas: 1) generating new knowledge to understand obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) clinical presentations to address under-diagnosis and advance personalized management; 2) improving OSA health outcomes by promoting treatment adherence with innovative interventions engaging family care partners; and 3) managing sleep deficiencies in various settings and populations (e.g., hospitalized patients, urban-dwelling African Americans, older adults, and college students) to reduce health disparities and improve patient health, safety, and quality of care.
Selected Publications
Ye, L., Arnold Mages, M., Jimison, H., Patel, S. (2022). Developing OurSleepKit: A Couple-focused mHealth Tool to Support Adherence to Positive Airway Pressure Treatment. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 20(6): 695-705. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2021.1984239. PMCID: PMC8964838
Ye, L., Li, W., Willis, D. G. (2022). Facilitators and Barriers to Getting Obstructive Sleep Apnea Diagnosed: Perspectives from Patients and Their Partners. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2022; 18(3): 835-841. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9738. PMCID: PMC8883110
Ye, L., Dykes, P. (2021). Individualized Sleep Promotion in Acute Care Hospitals: Managing Factors that Affect Patient Sleep. mHealth. 7:25. PMCID: PMC8063008.
Ye, L. Antonelli, M. T., Willis, D. G., Kayser, K., Malhotra, A., Patel, S. R. (2017) Couple’s Experiences with CPAP Therapy: A Dyadic Perspective. Sleep Health – Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, 3(5): 362-367.
Ye, L., Pien, G.W., Ratcliffe, S.J., Björnssdottir, E., Arnardottir, E.S., Pack. A.I., Benediktsdottir, B., Gislason, T. (2014). The Different Clinical Faces of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Cluster Analysis. European Respiratory Journal, 44(6):1600-1607. doi:10.1183/09031936.00032314
Selected Public Service
2022 Elected Member, Assembly on Nursing Nominating Committee, American Thoracic Society
2022 – Member, American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation Research Career Development Committee
2022 – Grant reviewer for NIH special emphasis panels
2021 – Advisory Board Member of Biotechnology, Health, and Innovation Research Center, Hungkuang University, TaiWan
2015 – 2016 Member, American Thoracic Society Scientific Advisory Council
Courses Taught
NRSG 7712 Quantitative Research Methods
NRSG 7755 Intervention Research: Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
NRSG 5126 Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice
NRSG 5120 Statistics for Health Science