Gary Young, Northeastern University

Gary Young



Public Health and Health Sciences

Research Interests

Healthcare management, health policy, health law, competitive strategy for healthcare organizations, measuring and evaluating quality of care


Gary Young is Director of the Northeastern University Center for Health Policy and Healthcare Research as well as Professor of Strategic Management and Healthcare Systems, Northeastern University. Before joining Northeastern University, he was chairman of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Boston University and also worked as a healthcare attorney within the federal government and for a national healthcare consulting firm. Dr. Young’s research generally pertains to managerial, policy, and legal issues associated with the delivery of healthcare services. His published work has appeared in such journals as the New England Journal of Medicine, Academy of Management Journal, California Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Health Affairs, and Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. He has received financial support for his research from government agencies and private foundations including the National Science Foundation, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. He has also received a number of awards for his research, including the John D. Thompson Prize for Young Investigators from the Association of University Programs in Healthcare Administration. In addition, he has served on many national-level policy committees including those for the Internal Revenue Service, the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and Department of Homeland Security.

Selected Publications

Young, G., H. Beckman and E. Baker. “Financial Incentives, Professional Values and Performance: A Study of Pay-for-Performance in a Professional Organization.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2012; 33: 964-983.

Young, G., C. Chou, J. Alexander, S, Lee and E. Raver. “Provision of Community Benefits by Tax Exempt U.S. Hospitals,” New England Journal of Medicine (Special Article), 2013; 368: 1519–1527.

Oppel, E. and G. Young. “Nurse Staffing Patterns and Patient Experience with Care: An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Hospitals.” Health Services Research. 2018; 53, 1799—1818.

Young, G., *S. Flaherty, D. Zepeda. J. Griffith and K. Mortele. “Effects of Physician Experience, Specialty Training, and Self-Referral on Inappropriate Diagnostic Imaging.” Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2020; 35: 1661–1667.

Young, G., D. Zepeda, *S. Flaherty and *N. Thai. “Hospital Employment of Physicians in Massachusetts is Associated with Inappropriate Diagnostic Imaging.” Health Affairs, 2021; 710—718.


Evaluating Healthcare Quality

Strategic Management for Healthcare Organizations

Selected Public Service

Pharmacy Quality Alliance, member of Quality Metrics Expert Panel. 2011 – 2015.

Internal Revenue Service, Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (ACT) (this is an appointment by the US Secretary of the Treasury to a congressionally mandated advisory committee to advise the IRS on policy issues. Appointments are for three-year terms, 2012 – 2015.

National Quality Forum, member of expert panel for exploring approaches to combining cost measures with clinical quality measures to improve cost-effectiveness of care, January – August 2014.

The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, member of expert panel addressing the readiness of private-sector health care providers for threats to the public’s health and national security, May 2019 – October 2019.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security, (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Coronavirus Disease19 Region 1 Recovery Task Force (April 2020 – March 2021).